Redwood Region RISE (Resilient Inclusive Sustainable Economy) is a coalition of 150+ members engaging over a thousand residents across Tribal Lands, Del Norte, Humboldt, Lake, and Mendocino Counties. Together, they are implementing a 10-year Regional Roadmap to bring sustainable, quality jobs to our region while advancing environmental stewardship and social equity through the California Jobs First initiative.
What is Redwood Region RISE?
Health & Caregiving Plan Summary
NCHIIN is the Health & Caregiving
Sector Investment Coordinator
NCHIIN’s role is to support and guide innovative projects as we collectively work to strengthen and expand our region’s health and caregiving industries. This work is founded on the 2024 Strategic Regional Roadmap Plan Part 2. During this Phase of the Redwood Region RISE Initiative, spanning now through August 2026, NCHIIN’s responsibilities include:
Phased Roll-out of California Jobs First Funding
Redwood Region RISE Catalyst Pre-Development Grants – Apply by Jan. 15, 2025
$9 Million dollars will be awarded to “exploratory” (early stage or pilot) and last-mile (near implementation-ready) phase projects which are aligned with the RISE Roadmap and Collaborative goals.
Implementation Funding Availability Coming Soon
Slated to launch in 2025, the California Jobs First Multi Agency Team will release three rounds of competitive grants to fund projects that are shovel ready. Project Initiators will submit their applications directly to the State after being endorsed by the RRRISE Collaborative. The proposed project criteria has been released by the state:
Tribal Investment Initiative Funding Coming in 2025
The California Jobs First Tribal Investment Initiative provides up to $15 million to California Native American Tribes to support building equitable and sustainable Tribal economies across California. Tribes, Tribal-serving organizations, and consortia of Tribes will apply directly to the State for these funds.
Share Your Prospective Project with the Health & Caregiving Sector Investment Coordinators
CCRP’s Redwood Region RISE Project Inventory Form has been put on hold during this phase of the initiative. To help the Sector continue gathering valuable project information, NCHIIN created the Health & Caregiving Sector Project Inventory Form. Submitting emerging project details will help guide the development of the region’s Activation Plan and help make tangible the important work taking place, support regional alignment of activities, and strengthen collective impact.
To assess if your organization’s project aligns with the goals of the Redwood Region RISE, use the following decision tree as a guide.
10-Year Health & Caregiving Sector
Strategic Implementation Timeline
Additional Resources
- Join the RRRISE Mailing List
- Redwood Region RISE News
- Redwood Region RISE Meetings
- Economic Development Finance (EDF) Working Group (meetings held the first and third Wednesday of the month)
- Technical Assistance Resources