Who Are Our Network Partners

We are just beginning to build our network.  Our current partners are:

Your Privacy is Important to us

Before we allow access to your information in the network we need your consent. You must also choose how network partners may be added to your care team.

There are four choices

  • If you allow participation with the full CIE network, providers at Care Connect agencies can make referrals and contact other network providers on your behalf and share your information to provide services or to refer you to other providers and programs in the North Coast Region.
  • If you allow participation with only Care network providers approved by your current network care team members, then only those agencies can make referrals and share your information to provide services or to refer you to other providers and programs in the North Coast Region.
  • If you allow participation with only network providers you approved, then only those agencies can make referrals and share your information to provide services to you or to refer you to other providers and programs in the North Coast Region.
  • If you allow participation with only to a single agency there would not be care coordination or sharing of your information with other agencies or programs (no authorization for network service providers). Each referral for service will require you to provide much of the same information

Follow the link to a copy of our Authorization – NCCC Consent Form

How will my privacy be protected?

Your privacy is most important.  Care Connect uses advanced technology and processes to ensure a private/secure system for information exchange meeting state and federal privacy/security laws.

Follow the link to the Notice of Privacy Practices

How do I revoke my Authorization (Consent)

You can revoke your Authorization for the Use and Disclosure of Health and Social Service Information at any time by contacting the Agency you have been working with or by sending the Revocation Form to our address (on the form)

Follow the link to the Revocation Form

If you have a question, a request, complaints or concerns please write to our Privacy Officer at:

North Coast Care Connect
Attn: Privacy Officer
2315 Dean St.
Eureka, CA 95501